We have been contemplating for quite sometime on how to introduce Google Apps for Edu for Pangasinan schools. The Provincial Government thru Governor Amado T. Espino, Jr. wanted to help in upgrading the quality of education in the province, helping students and educators learn and teach with technology and so an exploratory meeting is being set up with the Pangasinan Digital team and Google Inc.’s champion for Google Apps for Edu, Janet Yoon. During the meeting we asked her how do we start with the project, what do we need to do, what are we going to prepare? We also asked her if they could train our team to be able to effectively pitch it to our partners. And she affirmed that indeed, they could help us. We are excited about this project and we hope to execute this soon for the benefit of our pupils, students and the academe. Right now, we are mapping 47 towns/cities in the Province and we are using Google Mapmaker to edit places, points of interest, schools, barangay halls and other ...
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